There is no doubt that traveling in day light is far safer choice than night, particularly in India. But it does not mean that you don’t drive safely at night. You need to follow some rules for driving at night that can keep you safe?
Here are the few important tips to drive safely at night:
1. Check your lights
2. Drive using low beam
3. Use Adjustment switch of Rear-View Mirror
4. Keep emergency kit
5. Maintain distance
6. Don’t drink and drive
Let us get into details of each of these safe night driving tips:
Tip #1 – Check your lights
Are your taillights and headlight in excessive working order? Also, are they pointed well? You want to view and be observed without confusing other drivers, so confirm everything is working and pointed quite properly.
Tips #2 – Drive using low beam
We frequently get a query on what lights to use when driving at night – low or high beam. Our simple tip is that all bulbs should be in working condition so that it is easy to drive and you have full visibility as a driver. Additionally, in cities, drive in low beam. On highways, you can choose to drive on high beam.
Tip #3 – Use Adjustment switch of rear-view mirror
The driver vision gets hazy due to headlights beaming straight into your eyes. This is usually happening when the driver uses high beam head lights. Try not to look right into the light. Also use the tuning switch of the rear-view mirror in the car to confirm that the headlight from the cars following you don’t directly get into your eyes.
Tip #4 – Keep emergency kit
Post-accident handling is sadly late on the roads in India. Many injured people who die between the times of an accident to being taken to the hospital is surprisingly high. Since medical support is drifting at night it’s a better idea to keep an emergency kit in your car to use at an unfortunate instant.
Tips #5 – Maintain distance
While it’s not at all a good idea to follow another vehicle too closely, this habit must be evaded especially through late night. One reason for this is that it makes other driver nervous; as a result, he/she is more likely to to react appallingly and cause a clatter.
Tip #6 – Don’t ever drink and drive
Deadly accidents due to drink and drive are much higher at night as compared to the day. Don’t put others and yourself at risk. Use defensive driving methods and exclusively leave driving if you are drunk. Also, keep a watch to identify and dodge drunk drivers on the road.